Trond Insight

Digitizing Prosperity
Inspiring Futures

Welcome to AskTrond

We’re excited to welcome you to our community, where we organize events and discussions exploring profitable business opportunities and strategies for success across the expansive realm of the internet. At AskTrond, we are dedicated to unlocking the potential embedded in our digital landscape, contributing to the process of digitizing prosperity. Our objective is to equip you with valuable insights and knowledge, not only to navigate the intricacies of online ventures but also to chart a course for profitable outcomes in this dynamic and ever-evolving world. Explore, engage, and set out on an entrepreneurial discovery journey with AskTrond – where the digitization of prosperity shapes the future of your online success!
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digitizing prosperity
Hello and a warm welcome to AskTrond!

I eagerly anticipate your presence at one of my upcoming events. For timely updates, I invite you to follow me on Twitter, where I’ll be sharing a plethora of information. I am thrilled to present my seminar, aiming to enrich your life, embodying the sentiment of my favorite quote, “Just have fun.”. Recently, I came across the saying, “You die once but live every day.”. Let’s make today count.

Trond Jacobsen

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Cups of Coffee



“Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant”

P. T. Barnum